HOLA LATINOS! This time we are with Victor and Sinead in the studios, and we are going to talk about the new Podcast «El Hombre Equivocado». Straight from Colombia is a podcast which asks the question: «What happens when justice captures an innocent person?». In the same vein as the popular crime podcasts such as Serial in the US and West Cork here in Ireland comes the story of an innocent man Adolfo Gutiérrez Malaver, who was tortured, prosecuted and imprisoned for more than ten years for a terrorist attack he did not commit in Colombia’s capital city of Bogota. The podcast posits that many others run the same fate in Colombia’s justice system: processed by courts which are more interested in showing results than in bringing the correct perpetrators to justice.
The podcast The Wrong Man (El Hombre Equivocado) by DONJUAN Magazine and El Tiempo documents the story of Malaver.The team behind the podcast has sent us a special taster clip based on the first episode of the podcast – which is available in Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Spotify etc. and on eltiempo.com : https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/el-hombre-equivocado-personas-inocentes-en-prision-en-colombia-433876. Here is this clip for your enjoyment.
Catch up the show clicking the link below to listen the podcast and the sections made by our presenters. This and more from Latin America to Ireland
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/the-wrong-manel-hombre-equivocado-un-podcast-dobre-adolfo-gutierrez-malaver/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]