HOLA LATINOS! This week Silvia Bernal and Albano Diaz had a very special guest from Mexico in the studios, she is Nalle Nuñez, singer of the Mariachi San Patricio, she came to our show to sing some of the popular songs from Mexico and to tell us about her time in Ireland and how she started to be the voice of the Mariachi San Patricio in Ireland. Also we had an special section with Mariateresa Balsa about the International Worker’s Day and Guadalupe Arcos with the latest in news from Latin America.
This show is also dedicated to Albano’s brother who passed away a couple of weeks ago, from Radio Latina team we sent our condolences and support to our dear friend and presenter Albano Diaz.
If you missed the show you can listen the show here:
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-218-nalleli-nuñez-the-voice-of-a-mariachi-in-ireland/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]