Radio Latina is back this time with Victor Flores and Antonio Jaen to talk about Mexico and Bolivia. We start the show to talk about ¡México! Colour and Tradition, an event organised by Doris Calderón, owner and general manager of Art & Promoter. This event is an Art exhibition that will take place at the In-spire Galerie Dublin, on 56 Lower Gardiner Street, from 6PM to 9PM on 29th of June. In studios we had one of the Mexican artists, she is Vivian Vega, one of the youngest artists and who will participate in the event. Doris also mentioned the Bantry Multicultural Kupala Festival 2019, where the artists presented their work too.
In the second part of the show, our guest came all the way from Bolivian with one Irish talent who live there currently. This is a new project stating in Dublin with Thomas McDonagh, who is passionate with the Bolivian instruments called Zampoñas, Quenas and Tarkas. From Bolivia we had two talent musicians Aldo Orellana, who plays the Charango and other Bolivian instruments, and Carolina Cespedes, singer and musician of classic and folk music.
If you miss the show you can listen the show here, clicking the below link:
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-224-mexico-colour-and-tradition-and-bolivian-music-to-start-the-aymara-new-year/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]