Hola Latinos!… For this show, we go bilingual again with Sarh-Jane Fortune in charge. We can content in English and Spanish.
Sarah-Jane talked about the Latin Grammy 2020 that took place on Thursday 19th November. Also, she gave an update on the current political crisis in Peru, and for our sections, Ricardo Javier Cofré is back with Sabías qué?
Sarah-Jane suggests some ideas for online events to attend over the next few days in Ireland.
All this show with plenty of Latin hits!
If you missed the Radio Latina show on Wednesday, you can listen now here.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-293-latin-grammys-2020-what-is-happening-in-peru-and-the-latest-of-virtual-events-in-ireland/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]