HOLA LATINOS!…We are getting close to Christmas and the celebrations are starting in Dublin, therefore this time we are going to talk with Elizabeth Durson about the Christmas Market that is being organised by the community of El Salvador in Ireland. Also we will talk about the recent events in Latin America, social movements in Chile, militarization in Bolivia and other protests in the continent.
As usual, we will have the sections of Mariateresa Balza with the section «Conociendo un poco más» and Albano Diaz with the Latin Top 10 of the week. This and more in Radio Latina, if you missed the show, click the link below and catch up the show.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-247-bazar-navideño-organizado-por-la-comunidad-nicaraguense-en-irlanda/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]