HOLA LATINOS!…we have our show 245 this time presented by Victor Flores and Sian Cowman, and they had very special guests from Chile, Vanessa Rodriguez, Fabián Alarcón and Guillermo Ampuero, who are spokesmen of the «Chile Despertó Dublín» (Assembly of Chileans abroad).
We managed to have a panoramic vision of the historical causes that converge in the present conflict in Chile, they told us about the organization in Dublin and the challenges to continue making Chile’s social struggle visible in the world. We talked about the challenges of facing a constituent Assembly and the subjects and their demands, also Human rights and police repression.
We had news of social justice in Latin America with Sian Cowman and of course beautiful Chilean and Latin American songs. You can listen the full interview and the rest of the show here.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-245-chile-despertó-chilean-community-in-dublin/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]