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From Italy to Ireland, doing an internship at LASC

Photo: Lara Piasere y Chiara Franzetti, interns at LASC

Welcome to Radio Latina, this time  with Victor Flores, for this week we have good music in the eighth month of the year, August, in a part of Latin America, month of the Pachamama, where rituals of gratitude to mother Earth are made. As special guests we have Chiara and Lara, who are students of the Facoltà di Giurisprudenza in Università di Trento, Italy, they are doing their internship at Latin American Solidarity Center (LASC) here Ireland.

If you missed the show, listen to us here!

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]

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